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Shutdown because 'didn't find system.namespaces collection for db admin ', upgrading from 1.3 to 1.5 #1189

Open bitliner opened 10 years ago

bitliner commented 10 years ago

I am running the version 1.3 of tokumx. But i need to support the mongodb operator $setOnInsert, so I need to upgrade to the version 1.5

So I killed the process related to 1.3 version of tokumx, and started the process related to 1.5 version of tokumx.

The result is the following: it shuts down because it cannot find namespace collection in the admin db.

 [tokumx] startup
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.545 [initandlisten] Need to upgrade from disk format version 1 to 5.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.545 [initandlisten] 42 databases will be upgraded.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.545 [initandlisten] Running upgrade of disk format version 1 to 2.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.662 [initandlisten] Running upgrade of disk format version 2 to 3.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.668 [initandlisten] Running upgrade of disk format version 3 to 4.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.668 [initandlisten] warning: Error while upgrading disk format version: InternalError didn't find system.namespaces collection for db admin.
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.668 [initandlisten] aborting any live transactions
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.988 [initandlisten] now exiting
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.988 dbexit: 
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.988 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.989 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.989 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:30.989 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close databases...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:31.097 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to unload all plugins...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:31.097 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to shutdown TokuMX...
Tue Jul 29 14:01:31.097 [initandlisten] [tokumx] shutdown
Tue Jul 29 14:01:31.436 [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...

Any suggestion?

PS: actually the version 1.3 does not start too. The error is the following:

Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.407 [initandlisten] [tokumx] startup
Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.408 [initandlisten] Assertion: 16767:Unhandled ydb error: -100005
0xca4f11 0xaf4334 0xaf5449 0xaf5f5f 0x692f41 0x693add 0x69be0e 0x69d589 0x7f0dbdbfb76d 0x68e999 
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xca4f11]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage16handle_ydb_errorEi+0xa84) [0xaf4334]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage22handle_ydb_error_fatalEi+0x29) [0xaf5449]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage7startupEv+0x6bf) [0xaf5f5f]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi+0x331) [0x692f41]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi+0x1d) [0x693add]
 ./mongod() [0x69be0e]
 ./mongod(main+0x9) [0x69d589]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdbfb76d]
 ./mongod() [0x68e999]
Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.410 [initandlisten]   fatal error 16767: Unhandled ydb error: -100005
Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.410 [initandlisten]   16767 Unhandled ydb error: -100005
Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.410 [initandlisten]   Fatal Assertion 16767
0xca4f11 0xc705d3 0xaf57ce 0xaf5f5f 0x692f41 0x693add 0x69be0e 0x69d589 0x7f0dbdbfb76d 0x68e999 
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xca4f11]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi+0xa3) [0xc705d3]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage22handle_ydb_error_fatalEi+0x3ae) [0xaf57ce]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage7startupEv+0x6bf) [0xaf5f5f]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi+0x331) [0x692f41]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi+0x1d) [0x693add]
 ./mongod() [0x69be0e]
 ./mongod(main+0x9) [0x69d589]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdbfb76d]
 ./mongod() [0x68e999]
Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.411 [initandlisten] 

***aborting after fassert() failure

Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.411 Got signal: 6 (Aborted).

Tue Jul 29 14:08:45.413 Backtrace:
0xca4f11 0x68f32e 0x7f0dbdc104a0 0x7f0dbdc10425 0x7f0dbdc13b8b 0xc7060e 0xaf57ce 0xaf5f5f 0x692f41 0x693add 0x69be0e 0x69d589 0x7f0dbdbfb76d 0x68e999 
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xca4f11]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi+0x38e) [0x68f32e]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdc104a0]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdc10425]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdc13b8b]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi+0xde) [0xc7060e]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage22handle_ydb_error_fatalEi+0x3ae) [0xaf57ce]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo7storage7startupEv+0x6bf) [0xaf5f5f]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi+0x331) [0x692f41]
 ./mongod(_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi+0x1d) [0x693add]
 ./mongod() [0x69be0e]
 ./mongod(main+0x9) [0x69d589]
 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0dbdbfb76d]
 ./mongod() [0x68e999]
bitliner commented 10 years ago

Actually I restored the data and the db server using a new folder for data and restoring an old backup. But if you have an other way to restore the old previous is welcome