Tokutek / mongo

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secondary index not consistent with primary key index #1209

Closed frostyplanet closed 9 years ago

frostyplanet commented 9 years ago

Occasionally we encounter this error in our tokumx 1.5.0 setup, and we have to delete the error secondary index and rebuild it to resolve the problem. Any idea how can I address the problem ?

pymongo throw this kind of exception

OperationFailure: database error: IndexCursor insert_time_1 reverse: could not find associated document with pk { : ObjectId('5461a1ce5e7e3640248712f7') }, index key { : new Date(1415713377916) }

error message in log file

Sun Nov 16 23:53:04.560 [conn58588624] problem detected during query over audit.review_photo : { $err: "IndexCursor insert_time_1 reverse: could not find associated document with pk { : ObjectId('5461a1ce5e7e3640248712f7') }, index key { : new Date(14157...", code: 16741 }

jgaalen commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to add to this thread that we encountered this issue too. We were not able to delete items because of this message. Had to rebuild the index and it was fine

frostyplanet commented 9 years ago

we have upgraded to version 2.0 and did not encounter this issue afterward, but version 2.0 crashes even more than 1.5.0 . did not try version 1.5.1 which appeared to be a bugfix

tmcallaghan commented 9 years ago

@frostyplanet, it's helpful if you provide more information than the above. Also, our community support is done in our google-group at!forum/tokumx-user