Since a vm migration (using snapshot), the tokumx is not working with the original data (it works if I just erase the directory)
Apparently the indexes are broken. I tried to drop the indexes, reindex, but no command works at all.
I want to know if the data was corrupted, and how can I get it back.
> show dbs;
Wed May 25 09:33:30.924 listDatabases failed:{
"errmsg" : "exception: dictionary DATABASENAME.TABLENAME.$INDEX_NAME should exist, but we got ENOENT",
"code" : 16988,
"ok" : 0
} at /mnt/workspace/percona-tokumx-2.0-debian-binary/label_exp/vps-ubuntu-trusty-x64-04/tokumx-enterprise-2.0.2/src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:46
Since a vm migration (using snapshot), the tokumx is not working with the original data (it works if I just erase the directory)
Apparently the indexes are broken. I tried to drop the indexes, reindex, but no command works at all.
I want to know if the data was corrupted, and how can I get it back.