TolgaTatli / Halve

Stylish Two-Column Jekyll Theme
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issue with _site/index.html overriding all changes #29

Open raulaltosaar opened 7 years ago

raulaltosaar commented 7 years ago


so correct me if im wrong, but it seems like you have some code in the _site/index.html file that is overriding all other code. changing this code is fine, but each time i push the website to amazon s3, jekyll rebuilds the _site folder and i lose all local changes that ive made. maybe i'm missing a way to change these things outside of the index.html file? the first thing is making the posts page link to posts.html rather than and the second thing is the background home image for block-left of the homepage. hardcoded into index.html is the a href making posts link to this url: hardcoded into index.html is also the background homepage image linking to another image on your github site.

when i try to change these two things outside of _site folder, the changes dont apply because _site/index.html is overriding the changes. when i edit index.html then the changes only last for a short amount of time (enough time to push the website live). each time i restart terminal and sublimetext, jekyll has rebuilt index.html to its standard, problematic, overriding mode, which is quite frustrating.

any help would be appreciated.

azharichenko commented 7 years ago

First, the _site/ folder is where Jekyll builds the site at so it will get overridden everytime you rebuild the project. If you want to edit the content of what will become index.html you need to edit which is located in the main folder, the rest of index.html comes from _layout/home.html which defines the layout of the home page.

Second, all the option details are contained within _config.yml. So to prevent the post page linking to, change line 4 of the _config.yml which has by default...


And lines 9-12 of _config.yml contains where it links the left block images, just simple add the images you want to the images folder and change the paths.

# Left Block Images
  homepage: images/home.png                           # this image will be shown on homepage's left block
  post-list: images/unsplash-image-10.jpg             # this image will be shown on post list page
  default-post: images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg   # this image will be shown when post's front matter doesn't specify any image

Finally, for Jekyll all the things you need to change are in _config.yml and the various folders such as _layouts/, _includes/, _posts/, _data/, etc. including the main folder.

Hopefully, this helps you out!