Toludin / LunarSphere

Update to WoW 8.0 / Battle for Azeroth for LunarSphere
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Attempting to add WarMode PVP Spells to Buttons #2

Closed p51douglas closed 6 years ago

p51douglas commented 6 years ago

Date: 2018-07-19 10:34:06 ID: 20 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\LunarSphere\lib\moduleObject.lua line 1060: attempt to concatenate local 'spellRank' (a nil value) Debug: LunarSphere\lib\moduleObject.lua:1060: LunarSphere\lib\moduleObject.lua:991 Locals: self = LSSettingsbuttonAction1 { 0 = HotKey = LSSettingsbuttonAction1HotKey { } NewActionTexture = { } Border = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Border { } Flash = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Flash { } icon = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Icon { } AutoCastable = { } SpellHighlightAnim = { } SpellHighlightTexture = { } NormalTexture = LSSettingsbuttonAction1NormalTexture { } FlyoutBorderShadow = LSSettingsbuttonAction1FlyoutBorderShadow { } FlyoutBorder = LSSettingsbuttonAction1FlyoutBorder { } Count = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Count { } AutoCastShine = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Shine { } FlyoutArrow = LSSettingsbuttonAction1FlyoutArrow { } cooldown = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Cooldown { } Name = LSSettingsbuttonAction1Name { } } objectTexture = nil objectType = nil actionName = nil objectName = "button" buttonID = 3 currentStance = 0 updateType = "spell" updateID = 0 updateData = "spell" useCached = true buttonType = 1 clickType = 1 typeName = "None" nextSpellName = nil spellRank = nil spellName = nil spellID = nil (temporary) = "(" (temporary) = nil (temporary) = ")" (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "attempt to concatenate local 'spellRank' (a nil value)"

AddOns: Swatter, v7.3.1 (<%codename%>) NPCScanOverlay, v7.3.0.1 NPCScanOverlayBroker, v1.2.7 Ace3, v ACP, vr257 AskMrRobot, v59 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded) Configator, v5.1.DEV.431(/embedded) DBMCore, v8.0.0 DBMDefaultSkin, v DBMLDB, v DBMSpellTimers, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v Details, v DetailsDmgRank, v DetailsDpsTuning, v DetailsEncounterDetails, v DetailsRaidCheck, v DetailsRaidInfoEmeraldNightmare, v DetailsRaidInfoNighthold, v DetailsRaidInfoTombOfSargeras, v DetailsRaidInfoTrialOfValor, v DetailsTimeAttack, v DetailsTinyThreat, v DetailsVanguard, v ElvUI, v10.75 ElvUIConfig, v1.05 Gatherer, v7.3.1 GatherMate2, v1.42 GTFO, v4.46 HandyNotes, vv1.5.2 HandyNotesAchievements, v0.4.19 HandyNotesAzerothsTopTunes, vv1.2.1 HandyNotesBrokenShore, vv1.24 HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.21 HandyNotesDungeonLocations, v1.32 HandyNotesEliteBattlePets, v1 HandyNotesEphemeralCrystals, vr01 HandyNotesHigherDimensionalLearning, v1 HandyNotesHigherLearning, v7.3.5.0 HandyNotesKosumoth, v1 HandyNotesLegionInstanceWorldQuests, vv1.12 HandyNotesLegionRaresTreasures, v1.1 HandyNotesLegionTownPortals, v0.0.1 HandyNotesLegionTreasures, v1 HandyNotesLongForgottenHippogryph, v1 HandyNotesLorewalkers, v1 HandyNotesLostAndFound, v1 HandyNotesLunarFestival, vv1.4.5 HandyNotesPandariaTreasures, v1.06 HandyNotesSpecialNPCsEtc, v1.1.1-Beta HandyNotesSummerFestival, vv1.4.2 HandyNotesSuramarLeylines, v1 HandyNotesSuramarLocations, v0.0.1 HandyNotesSuramarShalAranTelemancy, vv1.16 HandyNotesSuramarTelemancy, v1 HandyNotesTimelessIsleRareElites, v2.32 HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.18 HandyNotesTimelessTreasures, v1.0.7 HandyNotesTravelGuide, vv1.9.2 HandyNotesTreasureHunter, v1 HandyNotesWellRead, v7.3.5.0 HandyNotesWitheredArmyTraining, v1 HandyNotesWitheredChests, v1.2 HeroCache, v8.0.1.00 HeroLib, v8.0.1.00 HeroRotation, v8.0.1.00 HeroRotationPaladin, v LunarSphere, vv1.30 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.148 NPCScan, v8.0.1.1 OmniCC, v7.3.1 OPie, vVanilla 5 Overachiever, v1.0.0 Pawn, v2.2.20 Postal, vv3.5.9 SexyMap, vv8.0.1 Simulationcraft, v1.10.1 SlideBar, v7.3.1 (<%codename%>) VuhDo, v3.93 VuhDoOptions, v3.93 WeakAuras, v2.6.0 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.0.1.80000 (ck=92a)

Toludin commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Should be fixed now.