TomBric / stratux-radar-display

Display for Stratux Europe Edition, can run standalone
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Bluetooth issue sound #5

Closed mofaheiti closed 3 years ago

mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Hello Tombric,

I Have the setting you Explain:

Is it possible, that the sound goes to the hdmi or other port? Or do i have to update blueaz?

Kind Regards Michael

TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

did you start the radar with the option "-s"? Does the radar show a Bluetooth symbol in the right down corner?


mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Hi TomBric,

Yes, i start with "-s" (in your image it is automatically written) Yes the Display shows the Bluetooth icon in the right down corner when connected. ( i tried the oled version too, and the same problem) The display works perfectly! Thanks for your work.

if you google "bluetoothctl no sound" there is the issue, but i tried 20 things and nothing worked. The only thing i have different to your description, that my headset do not have a secure code (is that the point?)

but i dont understand: the command "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" works, i hear the sound. so the bluetooth connection is stable.

if you have an idea, i can test it

TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

Hmm. Can you log in to the raspberry as pi and try

espeak-ng "Hello Test"


mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

:) that works

mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

But only this text, the radar which is parallel on, says nothing

TomBric commented 3 years ago

That's a good sign. At least bluetooth works, which is tricky on the raspberry.

When you start the radar manually, can you check whether there is an output like? "INFO: espeak-ng not initialized"

To start manually:

Then please check the first lines, whether there is a log on "espeak-ng" or "SPEAK".


mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Good morning Thomas,

Ive tried the points when i start it after kill manually i got sound :) without doing anything else. but i see only this 3 lines (no more, so i cant check if speak or espeak-ng): -2021-01-29 18:30:59,713 > Measured Display Refresh Time: 1.192408561706543 seconds -TrafficHandler waiting for ws:// -SituationHandler waiting for ws://

seems that one service starts to early. i tried this: File: /home/pi/stratux-radar-display/image/ sleep 100 cd /home/pi/stratux-radar-display/main && python3 -s -d Epaper_3in7 -c &

The Display starts later, but no sound

I hope this is comprehensible


TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

can you remove the "&" in the last line of and try again?


mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried without the "&" The same, no sound

When manuel kill and start i have the sound Then restart, no sound

TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, at least this works, that is very good. I can not reproduce it now. I will produce a new release the next days which will give us easier debugging infos. I will inform you here.


TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, I could reproduce the "no sound" error today. I will check the next days how to fix it.


TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, I found the reason for this issue: pulseaudio. system.d only spawns pulseaudio if there is a login session.

So the solution is to generally start pulseaudio as a system daemon. This needs several steps in configuring the operating system. I will put this steps into the configuration skript. If you like you can already test it interactively:

sudo sed -i '$ a load-module module-bluetooth-discover' /etc/pulse/ sudo sed -i '$ a load-module module-bluetooth-policy' /etc/pulse/ sudo addgroup pulse bluetooth sudo cp pulseaudio.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl --system enable pulseaudio.service systemctl --system start pulseaudio.service

/etc/systemd/system/pulseaudio.service needs to have the following content (will be provided in the repo):

[Unit] Description=PulseAudio system server [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --system --realtime --log-target=syslog [Install]

I will provide everything in the configuration skripts and also in the image. Audio and bluetooth is really a lot of hassle on the pi.


TomBric commented 3 years ago

One additional point: you also need to disable client spawns of pulseaudio by adding this to /etc/pulse/client.conf:

default-server = /var/run/pulse/native autospawn = no

and add pi to the group pulse-access

sudo addgroup pi pulse-access

mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Hey Thomas,

yes it works, thank you for your work. but only one thing. when i restart the device, the bluetooth do not connect automatic. I have to do

bluetoothctl remove

and then reconnect via your instruction

mhh, very tricky this thing, or is ist easyer to flash it on a raspberry pi 2 or 3 and do the audio output over the audio jack


TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, good that is working now. For automatic reconnect do the following:

sudo sed -i '$ a load-module module-switch-on-connect' /etc/pulse/

I will also add that in the configuration skript.

Thanks Thomas

mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Hi Thomas,

sorry but this do not work.

I tried this after a boot manual: -bluetoothctl -connect deviceid -exit and then it works perfekt. but only for this season. By reboot i have to connect again manual

so i tried this solution: -sudo nano /etc/rc.local -echo "connect deviceid \nquit" | bluetoothctl but it doesnt work

then i tried sudo nano /home/pi/stratux-radar-display/image/ and add in a new line -sleep10 -bluetoothctl -sleep10 -echo connect "deviceid" | bluetoothctl -exit

but that doesnt work too. I don't know how to fix.


TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, I recked that. My headset does a reconnect, when switched on after a reboot. Maybe it is because you have inconsistent image now. Can you flash a new image and try again?


mofaheiti commented 3 years ago

Good evening Thomas,

so I've tried a few things and found a solution for my setup. my goal is to print a case and build the display hard wired in my plane. when the case is ready, i will link it here.

My setup: raspberry pi zero wh waveshare 3.7 eink hat bluetooth bk8000 hard wired on 5V pin raspberry (audio to the intercom)

The installation:

Thank you for your great work!!!!!! :)

TomBric commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael, good that you found a way for your setup!
If you want hardwired sound to your intercom, using a Pi3B would also be a solution. Of course this requires some software modification, but it's certainly possible. So check your setup and if it does not work reliable, I can implement some tweaks for onboard sound. Using the Raspi 3B also makes the epaper display a little bit quicker.
