TomBric / stratux-radar-display

Display for Stratux Europe Edition, can run standalone
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Stratux SSID, Bluetooth issues #77

Closed TG-35 closed 2 weeks ago

TG-35 commented 1 month ago


First, thank you very much for your great job! I recently built a stratux display ( version 2.03 with 1,54 inc e-paper display) to get Traffic information. I noticed 2 problems: 1- the display is working only with the by default stratux Wifi SSID (=‘stratux’). I tried to change the wifi SSID matching with my stratux (‘stratux XX’) using PI Imager or the stratux display configuration menu (requesting a reboot after the change) without success. Is it possible to connect the display to a stratux with an SSID like ‘stratux XX’? 2 - Bluetooth: I managed to connect my Bose A20 once (after the scan/pairing phase), but after stopping and restarting the equipment, the display no longer reconnects to the Bose A20…

Last point, as I do not use the G-meter, AHRS and preflight checklist modes, would it be possible to add the functionality to deactivate then (eg in the configuration file)


TomBric commented 1 month ago

Hi TG-35,

  1. SSID: yes, that is possible. I also use this regularly. It seems like you are using a blank in the SSID. This is not allowed. Please use "-" or "_" instead.
  2. Can you check starting "bluetoothctl" in an command window? Then you can retrieve some information on the bluetooth status. Bluetooth is really tricky and it may hang somewhere.

Concerning your last point: Yes, this is already implemented. You can use the "-modes" option in image/ So the line then could be: cd /home/pi/stratux-radar-display/main && python3 -r -d Epaper3in7 -modes RADCM -c

Here is the list of modes available:

-modes DISPLAYMODES, --displaymodes DISPLAYMODES Select display modes that you want to see R=radar T=timer A=ahrs D=display-status G=g-meter K=compass V=vsi I=flighttime S=stratux-status C=co-sensor M=distance measurement L=checklist Example: -modes RADCM


TG-35 commented 1 month ago

Hello Thomas,Thanks for your quick answer. 1-SSID: I may be doing something wrong! I tried an SSID without space as suggested, with PI Imager and in the display menu, but it does not work. Even if the display is saying « rebooting… » it is not the case. And when I force the reboot by cutting the power, it restart with SSID « stratux».Not so important, I have changed again the stratux SSID to « stratux » on my Stratux, so it works.

2- Bluetoothctl: I did not succeed up to now to get an SSH connection to the PI zero 2 W (ssh is enabled with PI Imager). No ethernet connexion on the zero PI (I tried an USB to ethernet adaptor without success),  no way with USB on my windows PC. May be OK when both PC and display are connected to the stratux?

3-Displaymodes:modification done, thanks!

TomBric commented 1 month ago

Hi Thierry, for connecting via ssh to the display, you have to use the stratux wlan with your pc. Then have a look at the stratux log file (->logs -> stratux.log). There you can look for "radar". Then you can identify the IP address of the radar display (e.g. Then connect via ssh: ssh pi@192.168.10.xxxx Thomas

TomBric commented 1 month ago

Hi Thierry, I just rechecked setting the stratux ssid differently. It works for me. Did you set the Wifi country correct in stratux and as well in the Pi Imager?

TG-35 commented 1 month ago

Yes, Wifi country is set to France in both Stratux and PI Imager.What I find strange is that even if the Wifi SSID is set to stratuxXX in the PI Imager, when I go into the display status and try to change the SSID, it shows « stratux » and not « stratuxXX»…Will try again with the stratux SSID set to « stratuxXX » instead of « stratux ».

TG-35 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Thomas, I have done a new try with SSID « stratuxXX » and it works well now. Thank you