TomFranklin / r-generate-random-pupil-data

Method to generate a random dataframe of pupil data
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Consider `synthpop` #1

Open matt-dray opened 6 years ago

matt-dray commented 6 years ago

Question: is the synthpoppackage appropriate for your use case? (Mostly depends on whether you need to preserve distributions.)

From CRAN:

synthpop: Generating Synthetic Versions of Sensitive Microdata for Statistical Disclosure Control

A tool for producing synthetic versions of microdata containing confidential information so that they are safe to be released to users for exploratory analysis. The key objective of generating synthetic data is to replace sensitive original values with synthetic ones causing minimal distortion of the statistical information contained in the data set. Variables, which can be categorical or continuous, are synthesised one-by-one using sequential modelling. Replacements are generated by drawing from conditional distributions fitted to the original data using parametric or classification and regression trees models. Data are synthesised via the function syn() which can be largely automated, if default settings are used, or with methods defined by the user. Optional parameters can be used to influence the disclosure risk and the analytical quality of the synthesised data. For a description of the implemented method see Nowok, Raab and Dibben (2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v074.i11>.

TomFranklin commented 6 years ago

Sorry Matt just seen this! Yep worth looking into, sure it'll help Thanks!