TomFreudenberg / next-auth-mock

NextAuth.js mockup provider for jest, storybook and others.
MIT License
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'useSession' must be wrapped in <SessionProvider/>' #2

Closed st4l1nR closed 1 year ago

st4l1nR commented 1 year ago

Hello i tried to use this dependency to use useSession in my components but it doesn't work i followed instructions in the repo.


Versions "next-auth": "^4.15.1", "next": "12.2.5", "@tomfreudenberg/next-auth-mock": "^0.5.5",

// .storybook/main.js

const path = require('path');
const TsconfigPathsPlugin = require('tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],
  /** Expose public folder to storybook as static */
  staticDirs: ['../public'],
  addons: [
      name: '@storybook/addon-docs',
      options: {
        configureJSX: true,
      name: '@storybook/addon-postcss',
      options: {
        postcssLoaderOptions: {
          implementation: require('postcss'),
  core: {
    builder: 'webpack5',
  webpackFinal: (config) => {
     * Add support for alias-imports
     * @see
    config.resolve.alias = {
      '@': [path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../')],

    config.resolve.roots = [path.resolve(__dirname, '../public'), 'node_modules'];
    config.resolve.plugins = [new TsconfigPathsPlugin()];

    return config;
TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

Hi @st4l1nR

thanks for testing and using this component. I would like to step in, first of all it looks well what you have done.

Simple question: Have you once cleared the storybook cache in node_modules and restarted the storybook process?

Is this available in a public repo that I may checkout by myself to have a look?

Cheers Tom

st4l1nR commented 1 year ago

Hi, you can check repo in I tried without and with exporting decorator in preview.js. I tried the manual method you posted in the discussion and it worked but i can't get it done with the package. And yes i cleaned cache

TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

Hey @st4l1nR - I wonder now :-)

It worked all out of the box ???

I did:

git clone
cd nc-clone
nvm use lts/gallium
pnpm install

add two files in case of missing auth story


import React from 'react';
import { useSession } from 'next-auth/react';

const ApprovePage = () => {
  const { data: session, status } = useSession();

  // get the status of authentification
  const isAuthenticated = React.useMemo(() => status === 'authenticated' && session, [session, status]);

  // When rendering client side don't display anything until loading is complete
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && status === 'loading') {
    return null;

  return (
      { isAuthenticated ? 'Authed' : 'Unauthed' }

export default ApprovePage;


import ApprovePage from './Approve';

export default {
  title: 'Molecules/Approve',
  component: ApprovePage

export const ApprovePageStory = (props) => <ApprovePage />;

and start the storybook

pnpm start-storybook

Shows me:




Did I miss something?

TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

Hi @st4l1nR , do you have any updates for me on your issue?

Cheers Tom

TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

Hi @st4l1nR

I close this issue now while everything worked fine and out of the box from your repository.

Feel free to re-open this issue if something still not ready.

Cheers Tom

JoeKarow commented 1 year ago

@TomFreudenberg We're using a monorepo and I'm getting the [next-auth]: 'useSession' must be wrapped in a <SessionProvider /> error.

I'm not sure if it's because our Storybook is in a separate package from our UI & App?

Next-Auth's main setup is in @weareinreach/app (repo path: /apps/app/) Components are defined in @weareinreach/ui (repo path: /packages/ui/) Storybook lives in @weareinreach/storybook (repo path /packages/storybook/)

Am I missing something here, or am I just traversing repos too much?

Here is the current branch I'm actively working in right now:

[next-auth]: `useSession` must be wrapped in a <SessionProvider />
Error: [next-auth]: `useSession` must be wrapped in a <SessionProvider />
    at useSession (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_next-auth_4_16_4_ogpkrxaz2lg6nectum6dl66tn4_node_modules_next-auth_-11cec6.iframe.bundle.js:686:11)
    at UserMenu (http://localhost:6006/
    at renderWithHooks (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:130847:18)
    at mountIndeterminateComponent (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:134611:13)
    at beginWork (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:136124:16)
    at beginWork$1 (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:141963:14)
    at performUnitOfWork (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:141094:12)
    at workLoopSync (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:141003:5)
    at renderRootSync (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:140971:7)
    at recoverFromConcurrentError (http://localhost:6006/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_storybook_addon-a11y_6_5_13_biqbaboplfbrettd7655fr4n2y_node_modules-78dea1.iframe.bundle.js:140387:20)
TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

Hey @JoeKarow I will check that

JoeKarow commented 1 year ago

@TomFreudenberg I got it working by moving the storybook install in to the @weareinreach/ui package. Must have been a bit too much transpiling. 🤷🏻‍♂️

TomFreudenberg commented 1 year ago

@JoeKarow Thanks for feedback - Good to hear it works for you