TomHarte / CLK

A latency-hating emulator of: the Acorn Electron and Archimedes, Amstrad CPC, Apple II/II+/IIe and early Macintosh, Atari 2600 and ST, ColecoVision, Enterprise 64/128, Commodore Vic-20 and Amiga, MSX 1/2, Oric 1/Atmos, early PC compatibles, Sega Master System, Sinclair ZX80/81 and ZX Spectrum.
MIT License
928 stars 52 forks source link

ZX80 and ZX81 ROMs #1120

Open stevexyz opened 1 year ago

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

I tried the emulator on my Kubuntu 22.04 but despite drag and drop (with the default Doplhin file manager) was showing a green plus on the window I was not able to drop the ROM (releasing it didn't have any effect).

The copyrights of these initial SInclair computers remained to the original author John Grant / Nine Tiles. I think that if you are interested and try to reach him, these ROMS might be embedded for personal use of the emulator, and this will allow a better user experience (the goal of this emulator!)

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

Update: I've found the culprit in the fact that the ROM was residing on a ZFS filesystem. For some reasons the emulator is not able to access those directories (also file->open is not showing those paths). Copied file to the root (ext4) filesystem drag and drop worked.