TomHarte / CLK

A latency-hating emulator of: the Acorn Electron and Archimedes, Amstrad CPC, Apple II/II+/IIe and early Macintosh, Atari 2600 and ST, ColecoVision, Enterprise 64/128, Commodore Vic-20 and Amiga, MSX 1/2, Oric 1/Atmos, early PC compatibles, Sega Master System, Sinclair ZX80/81 and ZX Spectrum.
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Audio channel input for systems with tape support? #451

Open nekoniaow opened 6 years ago

nekoniaow commented 6 years ago

I realize that this might be an unconventional suggestion, technically as well as user experience wise but maybe you might think there is some value to it, so bear with me for a few paragraphs. ;)

Upon reading a Symoon post on the "Experimental very fast tape loading" thread on the Defence Force forums where he attached a ZIP file containing WAV files to be used as tape input for physical Oric machines, I wondered about the feasibility and practicality of being able to emulate a similar setup. (The post:

Since I do not have access to an actual Oric at the moment, I must resort to emulation to test Symoon's fast loading technique. However, it does not look like Clock Signal offers a way to use an audio file to emulate a tape input signal at the moment.

Providing an user interface of some kind to allow the (necessarily interactive/dynamic) specification of an audio file to be used to emulate the tape input signal seems simple enough. It even seems possible that some other Oric emulators already offer such an interface and adding one to Clock Signal does not seem particularly technically challenging (feel free to contradict me though, I would love to learn about it).

But, another idea popped into my devious mind:

what if, instead of offering a conventional "please choose your audio file to be used as tape input signal" selection dialog, Clock Signal simply used an actual macOS audio input channel for tape signal input?

I see several advantages to such a system:

What do you think? ;)

TomHarte commented 6 years ago

I wanted at least to support all the audio formats offered by CoreAudio, and WAV for SDL, but have never quite done it because I couldn't find an obvious way to say in my Info.plist that I just support everything CoreAudio supports. It seemed to require a manual recitation.

I hadn't considered live audio capture but I guess it would end up being essentially the same task. I'll look into it.

The only issues I can think of offhand are that obviously the static analyser wouldn't be able to predict which computer audio is for in advance if it can't actually see the audio in advance, and my UI simplification of just expecting users to drag-and-drop media onto running machines to change what's inserted doesn't really map across. Both feel minor.

nekoniaow commented 6 years ago

Indeed, the static analyzer cannot predict which audio the user is going to elect to send towards Clock Signal and thus cannot automatically trigger a preset sequence of operations.

This feature would need to run in addition to the usual .tap file drag and dropping mechanism but is not suitable as a replacement for it since its end goal (in my view) is to replicate the original behavior of the machine.