TomHeaven / tensorflow-osx-build

Off-the-shelf python package of tensorflow with CUDA support for Mac OS.
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No toolchain found for cpu 'darwin' #11

Closed hoonkai closed 5 years ago

hoonkai commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to follow the build instructions on the master branch, but I'm trying to build tensorflow r1.13 on CUDA 10.0, OSX 10.13.6, Xcode 10.0/9.4/8.2, Python 3.7.3, Bazel 0.19.0. Based on the advice here, I'm using the command bazel build --config=opt --config=nonccl //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package. However, I keep getting the error:

apple_cc_toolchain rule @local_config_cc//:cc-compiler-armeabi-v7a: Error while selecting cc_toolchain: No toolchain found for cpu 'darwin'. Valid cpus from default_toolchain entries are: [
]. Valid toolchains are: [
  local_linux: --cpu='local' --compiler='compiler',
  local_darwin: --cpu='darwin' --compiler='compiler',
  local_windows: --cpu='x64_windows' --compiler='msvc-cl',

Does anyone know how to fix this? I see that you have successfully built TF 1.13.1, so I'm trying to do the same for r1.13.

Any help appreciated.

UPDATE: I've just tried building 1.13.1, but I'm getting the same error.

hoonkai commented 5 years ago

Fixed. I've tried an older version of Bazel.