Open abensrhir opened 9 years ago
How can i filter a dimension based on an input box value ?
using the pie example, i added an inputbox tied to a model called calypso, and from the controller , i'm watching the calypso value change and filtering by that value:
$scope.$watch('calypso', function() { console.log(parseInt($scope.calypso,10)); $scope.runDimension.filter(parseInt($scope.calypso,10)); });
console.log picks the value change , but the chart doesn't get updated.
Do you have any idea about this matter @TomNeyland ?
How can i filter a dimension based on an input box value ?
using the pie example, i added an inputbox tied to a model called calypso, and from the controller , i'm watching the calypso value change and filtering by that value:
console.log picks the value change , but the chart doesn't get updated.