TomSchimansky / CustomTkinter

A modern and customizable python UI-library based on Tkinter
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doesnt properly show unicode icons #2385

Open nahid6970 opened 2 months ago

nahid6970 commented 2 months ago

import customtkinter button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, text="\uf011", command=None, hover_color="#154223", border_width=1, border_color="red",font=("jetbrainsmono nf", 16, "bold")), rely=0.5, anchor=customtkinter.CENTER)

here it shows like this image

rigvedmaanas commented 2 months ago

@nahid6970 CustomTkinter seems to have trouble displaying Unicode icons. I installed your font Jetbrainsmono too.

The result of your code in my machine: Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 1 25 33 PM

I think it would be better for you to use Google's Material design symbols for icons. You can download the font from github and use it. You can find your desired icon from and include the name of the icon as text.

Example Code:

button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, text="power_settings_new", command=None, hover_color="#154223", border_width=1, border_color="red",font=("MaterialIconsOutlined-Regular", 16, "bold")), rely=0.5, anchor=customtkinter.CENTER)

Image: Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 1 24 47 PM

Note: This is not a fix for the issue but an alternative

Hope this helps.

nahid6970 commented 2 months ago

yes its working also i found out that nerd font which consist NF in the end for example VictorMono NF has the same issue but VictorMono NFP fixes it so i think fonts that has NFP or NFM at the end does not have this issues its also working with JetBrainsMonoNL NFP too