TomSchimansky / CustomTkinter

A modern and customizable python UI-library based on Tkinter
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I have a problem with the graphics, it does not detect the corner radius in any widget. #2467

Open Rmollocuaquira opened 3 weeks ago

Rmollocuaquira commented 3 weeks ago

I followed the instructions for use but the examples look different from the examples:

Captura de pantalla de 2024-06-12 19-57-27

the rounded corners of buttons, sliders and other widgets look wrong. it's as if the corner_radius parameter doesn't work and everything shows me straight. I tried the package on another device and it works fine but not on this one which is the main one.

I reinstalled the whole Ubuntu 22.04 LTS operating system, but I still have the problem so I am looking for help here. Thanks in advance.

dipeshSam commented 3 weeks ago

Although, this bug is known and need to be fixed by @TomSchimansky .

But for instant fix, see the following thread:

Rmollocuaquira commented 3 weeks ago

Although, this bug is known and need to be fixed by @TomSchimansky .

But for instant fix, see the following thread: #2286 (comment)

thanks for answering, but although the error you mentioned is similar it is not the same, since in this case I am not using any anaconda environment, only python's venv, a notable difference between that error and mine is that in my case the text fonts load correctly but the rounded borders do not.

dipeshSam commented 3 weeks ago

This might be system specific. Other approach to solve the problem could be trying different drawing methods. CustomTkinter uses different drawing methods for different operating systems.

preferred_drawing_method: str = None  # 'polygon_shapes', 'font_shapes', 'circle_shapes'

Sample Code:

from customtkinter import CTk, CTkButton, DrawEngine

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = CTk()

    button1 = CTkButton(app, text="Button using 'polygon_shapes'", width=250, height=50, corner_radius=20), anchor="center", rely=0.2)

    button2 = CTkButton(app, text="Button using 'font_shapes'", width=250, height=50, corner_radius=20), anchor="center", rely=0.5)

    button3 = CTkButton(app, text="Button using 'circle_shapes'", width=250, height=50, corner_radius=20), anchor="center", rely=0.8)


Output: ctk_prefered_drawing_methods

In this photograph demonstration, it can be clearly seen, that different drawing methods causes different smoothness. Try these, might work. Otherwise, wait until @TomSchimansky come back.


Rmollocuaquira commented 2 weeks ago

I tried the solution but I still have the problem with the graphics, I hope @TomSchimansky can solve it soon.