Closed Ricc4rdo0107 closed 4 months ago
Using this class, that I built just for fun, somehow creates another white tkinter window customtkinter==5.2.2 python: 3.12
class CTkInputPopup(ctk.CTkToplevel): def __init__(self, title: str, text: str, centered: bool=False, *args, fg_color: str | Tuple[str] | None = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, fg_color=fg_color, **kwargs) self._text = text self._title = title self.title(self._title) self.lift() self.attributes("-topmost", True) #self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda x: None) if centered: screen_size = self.winfo_screenwidth(), self.winfo_screenheight() x, y = screen_size[0]//2, screen_size[1]//2 self.geometry("%d+%d" % (x, y)) self.after(10, self._create_widgets) self.resizable(False, False) self.grab_set() def _on_exit(self, event): self._input = self._entry.get().strip() self.destroy() def _create_widgets(self): self._label = ctk.CTkLabel(self, text=self._text) self._entry = ctk.CTkEntry(self) self._label.pack(fill="x", expand=1, padx=12, pady=12) self._entry.pack(fill="x", expand=1, padx=12, pady=12) self._entry.bind("<Return>", self._on_exit) def get_input(self): self.wait_window() return self._input
Using this class, that I built just for fun, somehow creates another white tkinter window customtkinter==5.2.2 python: 3.12