TomWhitwell / SlowMovie

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Dark / Streaking Display #134

Closed lampeight closed 1 year ago

lampeight commented 1 year ago

Hi all, I have been having a problem with the script since using the updater tool.

The setup was working fine when I originally set it up in 2020 based on the original manual instructions. After seeing it gather dust for too long, I've set it back up and updated the script using the the tool.

Since then, I cannot re-create the same quality images as before. All images are either incredibly dark or incredibly smeared. I have changed the Display config switch as highlighted in another post but this doesn't seem to have made a difference. See below:

PXL_20220914_135717219 PXL_20220914_135424944 MP

I'm running on an original RPi Model B with a Waveshare display. I haven't made any changes to the setup other than updating it. Has anyone else encountered anything similar or can help me troubleshoot the behavior?

robweber commented 1 year ago

Without using SlowMovie at all can you get any images to show up on the display? Seems like either a driver problem, a connection problem, or hardware problem.

missionfloyd commented 1 year ago

Try an earlier driver version. I've been using this one.

pip3 install -U "git+"

And try the waveshare example script.

lampeight commented 1 year ago

Thanks, all. Going to try a fresh re-format and install just to make sure it's not any lingering outdated drivers that are causing the issue. Will report back.

lampeight commented 1 year ago

After a full reformat, manual re-install, driver rollback and even switching to an alternative RPi, I'm still getting poor quality images on both Display Config A and B settings. I've tried running the House of Dust example too and no joy. Picture is either extremely light or extremely dark with smearing. Sounds like either my ribbon cable or my display is busted unfortunately.

lampeight commented 1 year ago

Was just messing around with this today and managed to get it working by using the "b36cfa" commit from above. Not hardware-based at all then. Shows that somewhere along the line, an update to the Waveshare driver has broken compatibility for 7.5" V2 displays.

TomWhitwell commented 1 year ago

I have just had a similar problem with my og display - used the update script to add full screen, now have big streaks image

robweber commented 1 year ago

The updater script will also update other libraries - like the Waveshare library. Have you tried reverting it to something like the one missionfloyd suggested? I've had issues with the most up to date versions of the Waveshare repo and usually do a rollback. Seems to be something software related on their end.

Try an earlier driver version. I've been using this one.

pip3 install -U "git+"

And try the waveshare example script.

TomWhitwell commented 1 year ago

OK that worked, thank you

Is there any way to adjust the installer script so this works for new users, and/or should I be raising this in the waveshare repo?


robweber commented 1 year ago

Going to close this out since @missionfloyd has fixed this in the Waveshare lib.