TomWhitwell / SlowMovie

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Waveshare 2.13 V3 #144

Closed wobblewoo closed 1 year ago

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

Hello. Love this project

I cannot get the newest Waveshare 2.13 V3 to work. I can get it to display when testing here:

Is there support for it please? epd = waveshare_epd.epd2in13_V3

I can see V2 listed here but no V3

Many thanks


robweber commented 1 year ago

You're talking the straight up 2.13in V3 (b/w) not the 2.13inB V3 right? I do see the the B model listed currently, which is the b/w/red variant.

Just looking over the source this seems pretty straightforward and should be able to to merge in pretty easily. If I can get it added in a branch are you able to test it on your device?

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for the reply. Yes it's the plain b/w one, this with V3 on the back. of course I'll test. Great project and write up.Thanks for your time.Wx Sent from Outlook for Android

robweber commented 1 year ago

If you could checkout this branch and build the library I've added support based on what I see in the waveshare code. If it works I'll merge it in.

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

Hey Rob. Thanks but i'm new to this and have no idea what that means. Would you mind making it idiot proof for me please?

robweber commented 1 year ago

I'll give it a shot - you'll have to do some manual building though. Going to assume you installed using the helper script, so first we'll uninstall the current omni-epd install and then build the new one. On the CLI do the following:

pip3 uninstall omni-epd
omni-epd-test -h

The omni-epd-test command should fail this just confirms the library is gone. Now clone and build the test branch:

git clone
cd omni-epd
git checkout -b waveshare_2in13_V3
git pull origin waveshare_2in13_V3
pip3 install --prefer-binary .

This will build the new branch, it may take some time but let it run. After that you can try the test display:

omni-epd-test -e waveshare.epd2in13_V3
wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

Hey Rob.

Huzzah we now have output on the screen, but i had to do it on a fresh install of everything.

Somethings not right though

The output is small and rotated 90 degrees: 1

I rotate it making a file omni-epd.ini [Display] rotate=90

It's then orientated correctly but tiny on the screen 2

So then i try and make it fullscreen adding the line fullscreen = true to slowmovie.conf i get this: 3

Odd. So i remove the rotation and get fullscreen but its rotated again. 4

robweber commented 1 year ago

The rotating thing doesn't surprise me too much. Many of the smaller displays report their width and height such that they expect the display to be vertical. For this one it reports width=122, height=250. It's annoying but the rotation generally solves the problem. The full screen behavior is cropping the image to reduce letterboxing, you should get a full image here but I think the height and width thing might be messing stuff up.

Does the EPD test utility (with rotation on) also give you a small image?

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

That makes sense. To be honest id just got this display to test before getting a bigger one which ill now do. I also want to use a Pico if i can with a UPS.

omni-epd-test -e waveshare_epd.epd2in13_V3 shows this: test

robweber commented 1 year ago

That test utility looks right so I'd call that a success. What are your thoughts? I'd be OK merging this in unless you think it's not performing right.

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

I'd merge it in, it's communicating with the EPD. Don't know if you need a disclaimer about the orientation. I'll get a bigger e-ink screen and report back if that functions too. Many thanks. Sent from Outlook for Android

wobblewoo commented 1 year ago

Swapped for a Waveshare 7.5 V2 without any problems. Many thanks again for your help & time.