TomWhitwell / TuringMachine

Turing Machine Mk 2 Main Module
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Main output produces negative voltages #178

Open soundsbrown opened 2 years ago

soundsbrown commented 2 years ago

I just finished building the TM mk II (bought from Exploding Shed). It looks like it's mostly in good shape:

The bad news is that there's something seriously off about the main CV output:

In case it matters, the noise output's range is approximately +/-3.5V, and the pulses are +8.3V.

I haven't been able to spot any obvious problems with my soldering work yet, but I'll keep looking. Meanwhile, however, any tips on where I should focus my attention would be very much appreciated!

Thanks, Tom

soundsbrown commented 2 years ago

Addendum: I just built the Volts expander as well, and that works as expected as long as I don't install the TL072 on it 😖 Once the op amp is in place, the output range changes to between 8.7V and 9.5V, with occasional temporary dips to 0V. Presumably/hopefully this is another symptom of my problem with the main module 🤞

TomWhitwell commented 2 years ago

Hi Tom, Sorry you're having trouble. Those are extremely odd symptoms. Your first comment re negative output points to something wrong either in the DAC0800 or the op amp that scales the output from the DAC (pins 1,2,3 of the TL074 on the front board) - a missing solder point, folded down leg or faulty chip could just about do it. That said, I don't remember ever hearing about negative output before. Then your second comment confounds that - the Volts output has no relation to the DAC, just the data stream. So that's very odd. Volts issues are pretty rare. So...

soundsbrown commented 2 years ago

Thanks Tom. I haven't been able to spot any missing or obviously bad joints, and all components seem to be oriented correctly and installed in the right location. Removing the 4050 and 4081 ICs made no difference, nor did replacing the TL074 on the front board with another one. I can't try the same with the DAC since I don't have spares of those lying around.

I pulled up the schematic and poked around the DAC and TL074 with a multimeter for a while, and found the following a bit surprising (although I'm admittedly not hindered by a great deal of electronics knowledge when I say this):

Finally, I put pictures of the boards here:

Thanks again for your help!