Toma400 / The_Isle_of_Ansur

Python-based text RPG game, successor of Between Shadows and Light.
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Quality parameter for items #1

Open Toma400 opened 2 years ago

Toma400 commented 2 years ago

Small idea, which will be useful both in quests and in skill/event situation: quality parameter for items.

Ideas how it could affect gameplay greatly (example: sword):

  1. specific quest requesting you to forge new sword would end up differently depending on quality of the sword forged
  2. traders could ask for different prices for poor-quality and good-quality sword
  3. skills could affect not only possibility of creating specific item, but also the quality; for example - good skills in blacksmithing would mean better quality swords
  4. with fight-related items, quality can affect their effective use (for example: weak sword can have small chance to break, or deal smaller damage, or be more difficult to use)
Toma400 commented 2 years ago

Implemented as items.json parameter, not used further as of yet, though. Items.json parameter sets maximum obtainable quality of item, resulting that if you craft/buy an item, it will randomly (or semi-randomly, depending on ability) get something between the worst and its maximum quality. Inventory.json parameter will have separate quality value, which will be local for this specific item. Any quality/durability-affected item should not "stack", to avoid errors. Implemented key for stacking.