Toma400 / The_Isle_of_Ansur

Python-based text RPG game, successor of Between Shadows and Light.
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Pre-made avatars optimisation #107

Closed Toma400 closed 8 months ago

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

It's special optimisation request for efe66f8, because in this version loreAvatars run constantly during name/avatar processing, since you can't make variable once. Request is for this "gatherer" to create special YAML file (can be f"{temp_folder}.yaml", haha) that would collect all avatars, from once-made collecting task that would run during if dyn_screen.journey.stage != 3: section. And then accessing this list would be from YAML file, making it only one task (parsing & retrieving info) instead of processing many parsings and other stuff each frame.

This would also help with making gender-neutral version that gathers from all genders if exact is not found (similarly to names).