Toma400 / The_Isle_of_Ansur

Python-based text RPG game, successor of Between Shadows and Light.
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"On Baedoor Origins and History" - Book [Toma] #120

Open Toma400 opened 2 months ago

Toma400 commented 2 months ago

Request to make first IoA book that would tackle history of Baedoor in its fairly entirety, in academic manner, from perspective of Baedoor academic - the writer will most probably come from Quarius, if I recall university city correctly. Should have lenghty part dedicated to Baedoor and shorter part of pre-Baedoor time, to reflect pride of this nation that tries to focus on their own history instead of their jitadian origin. Follow extended length size of Morrowind books, so around 1000 words should mark split tomes, or end of the book. If it is split into tomes, I'd suggest one tome for pre-Baedoor history, and two-three next ones for Baedoor (maybe each tome for each era?).

The asset eventually will be useful for IoA, B3D and maybe even other projects.

Toma400 commented 2 months ago

Forgot to add, but I'd assume the book was written not far before Empire's fall - so the importance of the book counts for all areas of the Empire, and the pride shown in the book makes more sense (post-fall one would still be prideful, but not to that extent).

Mind you "pridefulness" shouldn't be too explicit, but rather conveyed subtly, through picking specific events or avoiding others. It's more of mindset/background guidance than writing style guidance.

Toma400 commented 1 month ago

I kinda need to tackle this myself, given it's more of foundational text and it's only me really knowing the history of those nations. Would appreciate proofreading by someone else (preferrably native writer) once it's done, though.