Every time that a user enters one of the following parameters: Transaction.Description, User.LoginName and User. Password, the function "check_len_user_input" from the file .\src\check_input.py is used.
The mentioned function only checks if the length of the input is between 6 and 50 characters when a transaction's description max length is 250 characters.
user_input = input(f"{message}\n• Must be between 6 and 50 characters long\n").strip()
while True:
if 3 < len(user_input) < 50:
return user_input
print("Must be between six and 50 characters long")
user_input = input(message).strip()
Every time that a user enters one of the following parameters: Transaction.Description, User.LoginName and User. Password, the function "check_len_user_input" from the file .\src\check_input.py is used. The mentioned function only checks if the length of the input is between 6 and 50 characters when a transaction's description max length is 250 characters.