TomasEkeli / ToDolittle

Sample todo app using the Dolittle framework
MIT License
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In the current sample only the create command goes to the server #6

Open paulvanbladel opened 5 years ago

paulvanbladel commented 5 years ago

The delete, mark as done, mark as not done are only handled locally in the front-end but not communicated to the server.

TomasEkeli commented 5 years ago

Left as an exercise for the reader, or is this something you think we should do to finish the sample @pavsaund?

pavsaund commented 5 years ago

yes, that's true - the current sample is "step 1" in hooking up the frontend to the create command in the backend. We never made it to "step 2" - to actually continue the process of wiring up specific commands for each action.