Tomato6966 / Multipurpose-discord-bot

A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server originally made as Milrato discord Bot and by Tomato6966.
MIT License
570 stars 604 forks source link

Bug report #138

Open adamicop opened 2 years ago

adamicop commented 2 years ago

Hey So the bot is working fine but the auto meme is not working its not posting memes to please fix that Thank you

Rocky-pup commented 2 years ago

All works fine in default and mongo versions. Check in config.json, did you provide memer api?

adamicop commented 2 years ago

All works fine in default and mongo versions. Check in config.json, did you provide memer api?

yep i have provided the memer api

adamicop commented 2 years ago

All works fine in default and mongo versions. Check in config.json, did you provide memer api?

and btw i am using 10.3.0 version

Rocky-pup commented 2 years ago

I can't help bc for me all works Screenshot_20220518-213804_Discord.jpg

adamicop commented 2 years ago

I can't help bc for me all works Screenshot_20220518-213804_Discord.jpg

sir can you dm me your files on discord? but please remove the senstivie information token etc my discord - ADAMIC GAMING ❤#8436