Tomato6966 / Multipurpose-discord-bot

A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server originally made as Milrato discord Bot and by Tomato6966.
MIT License
570 stars 604 forks source link

Bug report Apply System #143

Open riciuuu opened 2 years ago

riciuuu commented 2 years ago

What's your nodejs Version.

Show the output of: node -v 16.13.0

What's the version you downloaded the bot?

From the releases e.g.: 10.2.0 10.3.0 (sharded version latest release)

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS] Windows
  • Version [e.g. 22] 10

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is. do not interact with apply

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior e.g:

  1. Create apply ( modal )
  2. when you press the apply button an error is displayed.

Expected behavior

when you press the apply button an error is displayed.

Additional context, text and screenshots!

the apply button is created, but when you react an error is displayed. I leave below some ss to see what it is about. apply1 apply2