Tomato6966 / Multipurpose-discord-bot

A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server originally made as Milrato discord Bot and by Tomato6966.
MIT License
571 stars 604 forks source link

Bug report | Setup Leave #151

Closed WulferGaming19 closed 2 years ago

WulferGaming19 commented 2 years ago

What's your nodejs Version.


What's the version you downloaded the bot?

From the releases: 10.3.0


  • OS: Windows 10 | Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
  • Version: 1809

Describe the bug

I wanted to change the background of the exit message. So I ran setup-leave. Then on Manage the Image and then I'm on Set Image Backround I upload an Image then I became an error which says "ERROR | Your Time ran out" but whoever leaves the server after that comes this image in the background.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior e.g:

  1. Execute the Command 'seup-leave'
  2. Then go to 'Channel Leave Messages'
  3. After that, go in "Manage the Image"
  4. and now go to "Set Image Background"
  5. Upload a Image
  6. See error
Jordan-ACB commented 2 years ago


aziz191546 commented 2 years ago

can you try welcome and leave in multi server because dont work for me