Tomato6966 / Multipurpose-discord-bot

A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server originally made as Milrato discord Bot and by Tomato6966.
MIT License
571 stars 602 forks source link

Bug report #211

Closed NightFury-Supreme closed 2 months ago

NightFury-Supreme commented 2 months ago

Node JS 18 Latest Version Debian 12

When i try to play music it does not play, its because of an issue of lavalink, when update the lavalink server. because of erela.js is outdated its not an easy task, please upgrade from erela.js and use any other package

discord error image

console error image

Tomato6966 commented 2 months ago

you need to connect to a music lavalink-node (v3) configable through the botconfig file