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Sharing :Code snippet: text detachment or translation out of the container #49

Open WannianMEI opened 4 months ago

WannianMEI commented 4 months ago

.xxx { white-space: normal; / Allow line breaks / overflow-wrap: break-word; / Prevent text overflow / word-wrap: break-word; / Enable automatic line breaks / max-width: 100%; / Ensure text fits within container width / }

.xxxx { overflow: hidden; / Ensure text does not overflow the container / width: 100%; / Ensure container width is 100% / }

TomatoesBurner commented 4 months ago

The ancient Greek god of the front end!

TheCatFactoryOfV commented 4 months ago

Invented on May 17, 2024, and named as Xiaomei Formula Lol.