If a post is created as a reply, like, or repost, with a specified URL, a webmention to that URL should be performed.
This is done by making a request to the URL and parsing the response headers and body for any links with relation to "webmention" (eg. <link rel="webmention" href="http://example.com/webmention" />). See Aaron Parecki's article on the matter, specifically under the "Automatically Sending Webmentions" section.
If a post is created as a reply, like, or repost, with a specified URL, a webmention to that URL should be performed.
This is done by making a request to the URL and parsing the response headers and body for any links with relation to "webmention" (eg.
<link rel="webmention" href="http://example.com/webmention" />
). See Aaron Parecki's article on the matter, specifically under the "Automatically Sending Webmentions" section.