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X11 resize rewrites #35

Closed jezek closed 2 years ago

jezek commented 2 years ago

Hello, I've played with the x11 client and made some resize code rewrites. Now there is a slight delay after user resizes the terminal window, and when the window makes dimension validation and additional window size corrections. This means less flickering and weird resizes, when mouse-resizing the main window.

I have also found and fixed a bug, when a text window (e.g. chat) becomes blank, when resizing to more than 255 cols (and maybe rows too).

You'll find more details in commits.

CBlueGH commented 2 years ago


jezek commented 2 years ago

@CBlueGH Why the "woot!"? Anything bad happened after merging? If yes, I'm here to promptly fix it.

Edit: Oh, I get it now. I thought "woot!" is something like "what?!". Now I know it's something else.