TominoCZ / FancyBlockParticles

My MC mod that turns 2D digging particles 3D!
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 8 forks source link

fancy block place animation bug #69

Open Christopher2312 opened 6 years ago

Christopher2312 commented 6 years ago

What went wrong: when I place several blocks quickly (with the animation the Fancy Place Animation on) some disappear, they are there but invisible)

What was expected: that all will be placed without them disappearing

Steps to reproduce issue: place several blocks quickly (with "Better Placement mod")

MC Version: 1.12.2

FBP Version: 2.3.9

Forge Version (e.g. 2604):

TominoCZ commented 6 years ago

I can't seem to reproduce this issue. Everything works fine on my end..

I know there's one occasion in which this can happen and that is when your game lags while you try to place the block. Still haven't figured out how to fix this..

Was your game laggy while placing the blocks? What are your HW specs?