Tomm0017 / rsmod

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when you say replace in "client" where do i get the client from? #174

Open sajjad207 opened 4 years ago

sajjad207 commented 4 years ago

"Once your key is created, you will have to follow the instructions on the terminal/command prompt You need to copy the public keys you are given and replace them in your client <== where do i download the client i downloaded there no client in there In your client, you can find the text BigInteger("10001 which will usually be the place where you need to replace both the public keys (the "10001" key is usually the same) Once you have replaced the keys in the client, you can restart the server and launch your client"

ghost commented 4 years ago

Download the new build package from here. There will be gamepack.jar (obfuscated client files) and gameback-deob.jar (deobfuscated client files). Run gamepack-deob.jar through fernflower-improved and unzip the source files from the .jar file they will be packed into. Build an IDE project with the source files and search the project (CTRL + F) for '10001'. Leave the BigInteger with the value '10001' and replace the other with the key that is printed to the console. That should fix it for you.