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Combat XP greater than damage hit granted. #22

Closed ZenJakey closed 5 years ago

ZenJakey commented 5 years ago

If you roll a higher hit than an NPC (and presumably player, though not tested) has, it grants xp for the damage that was rolled, and not the damage that was hit.

Example: an NPC has 8 hp left and you roll a 10, you get xp for the 10 damage even though you only hit an 8

Tomm0017 commented 5 years ago

@LethalLeonard Are you saying it currently gives you XP for a damage of 10 on an npc with 8 hp, or that it should

ZenJakey commented 5 years ago

So I attacked an enemy with 1hp left, and I got the experience of hitting a 3 when it did the 1hp in damage. It should give the experience of hitting a 1.

Tomm0017 commented 5 years ago

Fixed in