TommasoRonconi / galapy

Spectral modelling tool for galaxies in python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need additional description for loading objects from ASCII catalogues. #5

Open Yicircle opened 4 weeks ago

Yicircle commented 4 weeks ago

Hello Tommaso,

I'm trying to use GalaPy for fitting multiple galaxies at once. I found galapy.internal.utils.cat_to_dict and successfully load the data from ASCII catalogue. But there's some trouble with just modifying file This is a part of code in my file I tyied.

catalogue = cat_to_dict('galapy_table.txt')
for key in catalogue:
    obj = catalogue[key]
    obj['uplims'] = np.where(obj['errors'] < 0.0, True, False)
    obj['errors'][obj['uplims']] = obj['fluxes'][obj['uplims']]

    bands  = obj['bands']
    fluxes = obj['fluxes']
    errors = obj['errors']
    uplims = obj['uplims']

To summarize, my question is,

  1. Is there any way to fit SED of multiple objects at once in GalaPy?
  2. How could I do that?

Thank you for reading this questions.

Best regards, Won-hyeong Lee.

TommasoRonconi commented 4 weeks ago

Dear Won-hyeong,

Happy to read you are trying the tool. Unfortunately GalaPy does not support yet multiple fits at a time from the same parameter file, it is a feature I am going to add at some point though. At the moment what I would suggest is to write a shell script to automatically write down the parameter files and launch the fits.

What I do in these cases is something like this (assuming the file galapy_table.txt contains 4 objects with keys 'NGC3898', 'NGC4351', 'NGC3364' and 'NGC4254'):

#! /bin/bash                                                                                                                                                                                       

gxy=('NGC3898' 'NGC4351' 'NGC3364' 'NGC4254')                                                                                                                                                               

for g in ${gxy[@]}                                                                                                                                                                                          

    cat <<EOF > ${g}                                                                                                                                               
key = '${g}'
from galapy.internal.utils import cat_to_dict
catalogue = cat_to_dict('galapy_table.txt')

# Parameters for building the observation to fit #                                                                                                                                                          

# The observed dataset is expressed as 4 array-likes containing respectively:                                                                                                                               
# - bands: a list of strings corresponding to the unique identifiers also used                                                                                                                              
#          in the 'filters' variable above (i.e. if you have provided as a list                                                                                                                             
#          of filters already present in the database you can set                                                                                                                                           
#          bands = filters                                                                                                                                                                                  
# - fluxes: measures of fluxes (or upper limits) at the corresponding bands                                                                                                                                 
#           listed in variable 'bands'.                                                                                                                                                                     
#           The input measure should be given in units of milli-Jansky                                                                                                                                      
# - errors: 1-sigma error on the measures of the fluxes (or upper limits) listed                                                                                                                            
#           in the variable 'fluxes'                                                                                                                                                                        
# - uplims: sequence of booleans identifying whether the values listed                                                                                                                                      
#           in argument \`fluxes\` should be considered non-detection (\`True\`)                                                                                                                            
#           or a detection (\`False\`)       

obj = catalogue[key]
obj['uplims'] = np.where(obj['errors'] < 0.0, True, False)
obj['errors'][obj['uplims']] = obj['fluxes'][obj['uplims']]

bands  = obj['bands']
fluxes = obj['fluxes']
errors = obj['errors']
uplims = obj['uplims']

[... the rest of your parameter file here ...]      

# ... and that's all folks! #                                                                                                                                                                               

    galapy-fit ${g}

You can save (and modify according to your necessities) the above code into a file. NOTE that there is a [... the rest of your parameter file here ...] that has to be substituted with... well, the rest of your parameter file :sweat_smile: NOTE 2: I would suggest to use different names for the outputs as well (you can set e.g. run_id = '${g}' in the parameters for the sampler section of the parameter file).

Once the file is saved, you will have your sequential fits running by calling source Of course, this will be done serially (one object a time), you can modify the above script in order to make the different fits run in parallel, e.g., on a cluster.

I am sorry, this is not very elegant. Even though I would consider your question answered, I will keep this issue open until I do not manage to publish a new release with a feature automatizing this process.

Best, Tommaso

Yicircle commented 4 weeks ago

Hello again Tommaso,

Thank you for your kind reply. It is helpful enough to solve my problem. Since it is not urgent, I could consider the features coming up later. Please let me know when you add it later.

Thank you again for your detailed reply.

Best, Won-hyeong Lee

p.s Sorry for closing issue because I'm not familiar to git system. I reopened it.