TommyB123 / eSelection

Dynamic model selection library for SA-MP servers
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Message for Kye #7

Closed AlexDrift closed 1 year ago

AlexDrift commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon Kye, y-less sets everyone up against you and develops its own server and client. Developers Arizona Role play and the developers of Absolute Role play are in close collusion with y-less. They also developed a plugin these are bots for cheating online. This was not done by chance, they want you to put your entire business in their hands. They want to control sa-mp. Also, the Ukrainian seller hosted tab has access to , he has no right to impose sanctions on the Russian sa-mp society, but he is trying to do it, his pseudonym is diesel, Igor kovalchuk. Also, he is involved in corruption with the developers of Arizona Role play. They paid him a round sum of money so that he would remove the servers from the competitors' hosted tab. Arizona Role play and Absolute Role play also use the raksamp client ported to the server plugin, which means that bots can no longer be detected as an NPC peer, now it is no longer possible to detect. urShadow aka katursis developed this plugin and earned a lump sum. We need to fix this somehow and return the free internet tab list, or sa-mp will die! The real online without the use of bots is 12162, this is a real online. Arizona Role play developers and Absolute Role play developers will do anything for money, be careful with Russian developers, they are insidious. Make your own decisions. If you don't return the internet tab list , then sa-mp will die and y-less will win. Arizona Role play accepts Active Funding I'm scared. Many players and developers left sa-mp after the internet tab list was disabled. For many people of different ages, sa-MP is a second home. They provoked it all and took away our free sa-mp. SA-MP is not a place to earn money, for many it is a place to relax, it remains a dosipore for many ages from 5 to 45 years. We don't go to have sa-mp die. Please return the internet tab list to all of us and get rid of fake bots. If you are reading this, you are obligated to contact the owner of sa-mp and deliver this message

Alasnkz commented 1 year ago


Mortyyka commented 1 year ago

ages from 5 to 45 years.

fuck off, 5 year olds should be playing fucking lego, not an R rated game you fuckwit

TommyB123 commented 1 year ago

what is this shit? i'm not kalcor, y-less, or russian

take your schizo shit elsewhere