TommyJones / tidylda

Implements an algorithim for Latent Dirichlet Allocation using style conventions from the [tidyverse]( and [tidymodels](
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JOSS review: Duplicated license files #72

Closed maximelenormand closed 3 weeks ago

maximelenormand commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Tommy,

My name is Maxime Lenormand. I will review your package over the next few weeks.

You have two license files, I recommend keeping only the MIT License file.


TommyJones commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you! Fixed with

TommyJones commented 3 weeks ago

Actually, I'm reopening this.

CRAN has a very esoteric take on license files. Removing the LICENSE file with just my name and date and/or renaming (which has MIT license language) means that the package no longer passes checks to be hosted on CRAN.

I understand that it's confusing to have both LICENSE and files. So, I'm leaving this open until I can satisfy both requirements of having one file and passing CMD check for CRAN.

TommyJones commented 3 weeks ago

Ok. What works is removing the MIT license file and leaving the file with just a copright statement. The MIT license is a standard anyway, so I don't think removing it from the repo substantially changes understandability of the copyright.

The commit that passes CMD check and has only one license file is

@maximelenormand is this solution satisfactory?

maximelenormand commented 3 weeks ago

The problem now is that the license can only be identified in the DESCRIPTION file.

This is strange that you cannot pass the CRAN checks with one file. I did not encounter this problem with my packages (example but it is maybe due to the MIT license.

If you cannot solve the problem, you can keep the two license files. It is better to clearly identify one well-known license, even if having two files may be confusing.

TommyJones commented 3 weeks ago

Understood. I'll revert to what I had originally. I'll close the issue when that's done.

It looks like other folks have similar issues.

As I'd originally set it up, I followed Hadely's guidance here, which was also suggested in the Stack Overflow post, above.

This is less than ideal but it seems to be the conventional wisdom.

TommyJones commented 3 weeks ago
