TommyLemon / APIAuto

☔ 敏捷开发最强大易用的 HTTP 接口工具,机器学习零代码测试、生成代码与静态检查、生成文档与光标悬浮注释,集 文档、测试、Mock、调试、管理 于一体的一站式体验。☔ The most advanced tool for HTTP API. Testing with machine learning, generating codes and static analysis, generating comments and floating hints, one site for document, testing, mocking, debugging and management.
Apache License 2.0
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咱们这个apiauto有生成sql的功能吗 #43

Open shouziws opened 1 year ago

shouziws commented 1 year ago

比如以下配置应该生成 2个sql { "User[]": { "User": { "id|{}": "<30000,>80000" } }, "s[]": { "B_stone": { "@column": "id" } } }

select * from User where id < 30000 or id > 80000 select id from B_stone limit等

TommyLemon commented 1 year ago

你写的是 APIJSON 请求 JSON,只要最外层或表对象内传 "@explain": true 就会返回 SQL,和 APIAuto 无关。 用 SQLAuto 可以点表名右侧按钮自动生成增删改查 SQL
