TomodomoCo / total-slider

A WordPress plugin for creating, editing and removing ‘slides’ with text and images (for a homepage, for example).
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Corrupted slides #54

Closed chrisvanpatten closed 10 years ago

chrisvanpatten commented 11 years ago

Via the support forums.

Nearly each time I edit a slide group, or more slides (most often one) will become "corrupted" and will disappear from the slide group.

- Edit an existing slide group with 1 or more slides
- Add a new slide
- Select a photo, add title and description
- Associate new slide to post
- Save slide
- Select one of the existing slides, get an error "Sorry, unable to get that slide. Specified slide ID could not be found. It may have been already deleted"
- Click OK, the slide disappears
- Refresh the slide group page, the corrupted slide disappeared
jessedyck commented 11 years ago

Thanks for porting this over.

Plugins installed

I also have a custom theme for TS that I build off based off of the documentation here; pretty straight forward, it was mainly just to change the image size.

I'm using a custom theme, built as a child theme of Genesis.

Let me know what else you need. Happy to provide any more details.

PeterUpfold commented 11 years ago

Could you paste the contents of the total_slider_slides_* records in the wp_options database table? These contain the serialised data that repesent the slides as they are saved, and could help identify where Total Slider is getting confused.

You could use a tool like PHPMyAdmin to extract these records from that table, or just run this SQL command on your WordPress database and paste the result (assuming your table prefix is wp_, as it is by default):

select option_name, option_value from wp_options where option_name like 'total_slider%';

I'd like to eliminate any database weirdness before starting to hunt through for plugin incompatibilities, which, given the combinations of possibilities, could take time!

Which version of PHP are you running? If you have the time and the ability, is it possible to reproduce the issue on your server on a stock WordPress + Total Slider install, or does the issue only appear in this particular environment?

jessedyck commented 11 years ago

Seems like it's only in my environment. I built a stock install and it doesn't repro there. Same host; Dreamhost shared hosting. PHP version 5.3.13. I'll be building up the environment again, so if I find any particular plugin that causes it I'll be sure to report back.

total_slider_dataformat_version 1.1

total_slider_general_options a:2:{s:23:"should_enqueue_template";s:1:"1";s:26:"should_show_tinymce_button";s:1:"1";}

total_slider_slides_february-features a:1:{i:1;a:7:{s:2:"id";s:22:"51244381a87df522509743";s:5:"title";s:5:"rwar4";s:11:"description";s:4:"rera";s:10:"background";s:4:"3425";s:4:"link";i:2707;s:11:"title_pos_x";i:0;s:11:"title_pos_y";i:0;}}

a:1:{i:0;O:17:"Total_Slide_Group":5:{s:4:"slug";s:17:"february-features";s:12:"originalSlug";s:17:"february-features";s:4:"name";s:17:"February Features";s:16:"templateLocation";s:5:"theme";s:8:"template";s:17:"thefigtree-slider";}}

chrisvanpatten commented 10 years ago

I'm going to close this, as it relates closely to #47 in terms of data model problems/proposed fixes.