TomographicImaging / CIL

A versatile python framework for tomographic imaging
Apache License 2.0
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docs versions + updates #1579

Open casperdcl opened 9 months ago

casperdcl commented 9 months ago

Provide multiple (not just latest) docs versions

gfardell commented 9 months ago

I think we want '' to be the CIL entry point. Currently that's probably the github CIL, but we also have a page on . This would mean having pages introducing CIL, installation instructions, code documentation (should we have user and developer versions too?), tutorials and notebooks, and a contribution guideline. Similar to this project from @jakobsj

We had a lot of feedback last week on having our information split across multiple sites so I'd be nervous about bringing readthedocs in to it too. I think this is something that will be discussed at vthe next developer meeting.

casperdcl commented 9 months ago

~The thing is readthedocs gives us versioning for free. If we want that then it's better to migrate away from gh-pages...~ #1673