TomographicImaging / CIL

A versatile python framework for tomographic imaging
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Change in behaviour of PDHG #1796

Open paskino opened 4 months ago

paskino commented 4 months ago


From @samtygier-stfc on Discord

I am upgrading from 23 -> 24, and came across some changes in the way we iterate the PDHG algorithm. Previously we created the PDHG instance with a large number for max_iterations, and then had our own loop to which called next() to run each iteration

algo = PDGH(..., max_iterations=1000000, ...)
for i in range(N):

In 24.0 the next() method is gone, but I can do next(algo) instead. Also max_iterations is deprecated in the constructor, with the suggestion to use If I remove max_iteration from the constructor, then next() will give StopIteration straight away. I can get around the deprecation warning by doing

algo = PDGH(...)
algo.max_iterations = 1000000
for i in range(N):
paskino commented 4 months ago

So far algo.max_iteration is used, although we would like to discourage it in favour of the method with callbacks. Also, next has been removed (it was there for compatibility with Python2) but __next__ is still there.

casperdcl commented 4 months ago

For now you could use:

algo = PDGH(...)
algo.max_iterations = 1000000
for i in iter(algo):
    ...  # do something with algo

but it might stop working in a future release.

Best is:

from cil.optimisation.utilities.callbacks import Callback, ProgressCallback

class EachIterCallback(Callback):
    def __call__(self, algo):
        ...  # do something with algo

algo = PDHG(...), callbacks=[ProgressCallback(), EachIterCallback()])


If you've made any custom callbacks you think others will benefit from (e.g. TensorboardCallback or something) please do open a PR adding it to Wrappers/Python/cil/optimisation/utilities/!

samtygier-stfc commented 4 months ago

I've switched to doing the progress bar updates from a callback:

It would be good if there was a mention in the release notes about the change.

casperdcl commented 4 months ago

I've switched to doing the progress bar updates from a callback: mantidproject/mantidimaging@5006fd3


It would be good if there was a mention in the release notes about the change.

Unfortunately it is mentioned in the highly inaccessible CIL@master:/ but for some unknown reason @TomographicImaging/cil-developers seem to dislike keeping the more standard CIL/releases readable/helpful/neat/up-to-date/in-sync ðŸ˜