TomographicImaging / CIL

A versatile python framework for tomographic imaging
Apache License 2.0
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conda: self-host packages #1870

Open casperdcl opened 1 month ago

casperdcl commented 1 month ago



I've mirrored all ccpi packages as well as intel ipp-* packages for all platforms (linux-64,win-64,noarch,...) at

This means installation can be as simple as:

conda install -c cil
  • if not already in the user's default channel list, add -c conda-forge
  • for optional deps, add e.g. astra-toolbox=*=cuda* tigre ccpi-regulariser tomophantom ipywidgets

/CC @samtygier-stfc

paskino commented 1 month ago

How do we upload the packages to our mirror?

casperdcl commented 1 month ago

I currently manually run roughly:

ssh 'conda-mirror --upstream-channel {ccpi,intel} && conda index'

but we can easily:

  1. make our CI upload packages to
  2. add a cron job to

Option (1) is probably best for long-term sustainability, but option (2) is a very quick n easy stop-gap.

gfardell commented 1 month ago

If we replace our current instructions then we need someway to specify dev/main builds. We don't want users using the dev build unless they are doing it for a reason. Conda currently deferentiates with the channels ccp/label/dev and cil/label/main which I guess is an alias of ccpi

casperdcl commented 1 week ago

leaving open until we update the docs (-c in lieu of -c -c ccpi)

casperdcl commented 3 days ago

Note from #1914:

  • upload to anaconda -c ccpi (on master->dev, on tag->main)
  • upload to conda -c (on tag)