TomographicImaging / CILViewer

A simple Viewer for 3D data built with VTK
Apache License 2.0
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Allowed key bindings #332

Open paskino opened 1 year ago

paskino commented 1 year ago

A lot of keys trigger actions on the viewer. We should allow the user to set which ones are active or not.

paskino commented 5 months ago

Several CharEvents are also observed in the vtkRenderWindowInteractor.

We could consume the events as proposed in this thread The following code catches the CharEvent s or w and ~doesn't propagate it further~ changes the character so that it is not processed further.

def consumeCharEvent(interactor, event):
    if interactor.GetKeyCode() in ['s', 'w']:

iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
iren.AddObserver("CharEvent", consumeCharEvent, 10)

We could use this to add a list of CharEvents we want to discard or monitor.

Notice that the viewer styles observers observe KeyPressEvent rather than CharEvent.