TomographicImaging / iDVC

Digital Volume Correlation user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Block dockwidgets #217

Closed paskino closed 4 months ago

paskino commented 6 months ago

Uses flag NoDockWidgetFeatures which prevents a lot of complications in handling QDockWidgets and makes the GUI more static.

The 2D viewer widget appears to be a QMainWindow and not a QDockWidget, hence I don't exactly know how to set the title. I tried with setWindowTitle but it doesn't show up.

Closes #174 Closes #178

Tested on Windows.

DanicaSTFC commented 5 months ago

if we right click on the tabs '2D Viewer', 'Help', 'Image information', the list of tabs appears

@paskino We need to remove default popupMenu by overloading createPopupMenu in the viewer.