TomographicImaging / iDVC

Digital Volume Correlation user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Improvements to raw input dialogue #26

Open lauramurgatroyd opened 3 years ago

lauramurgatroyd commented 3 years ago

Currently DVC code only allows the 2 raw images with same dimensions and other settings input, but it may later allow for different settings on each so we need to ask the user for details of both the ref and correlate images -> Make the second dialogue auto fill with the settings from the first dialogue. 90% of the time all of the details will be the same for ref and corr image though so this isn’t a big issue

paskino commented 2 years ago

Possibly the raw image loader dialog should go in the viewer.

lauramurgatroyd commented 2 years ago

currently it lives in the file in the viewer

paskino commented 1 year ago

maybe not any longer as we removed that file.

DanicaSTFC commented 1 month ago

The raw input dialog has been implemented in and