TomographicImaging / iDVC

Digital Volume Correlation user interface
Apache License 2.0
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The manual registration not working well #280

Closed DanicaSTFC closed 2 weeks ago

DanicaSTFC commented 3 weeks ago

From Brian: Also, I think I’ve seen the problem with modifying the registration manually. The 2D display is not showing the difference image, just the plain data image. When you use the j/n/b/m keys, the numbers in Translate change, but you don’t see the effect in the 2D view plane.

12/06/2024 The problem should be that in the previous environment vtk was 8.1.2. In the new environment this is vtk 9.3.0. I confirmed this by installing a new environment and fixing vtk 8.1.2. The manual registration works well.

paskino commented 2 weeks ago

Installing with the dev_environment.yml file

Installing with conda env create -n idvc_vtk9_reg -f recipe\dev_environment.yml I get ccpi-viewer 22.4.0 and hence vtk 8.

Trying to force the ccpi-viewer version 24.0.0

If I increase the ccpi-viewer version requirement to >= 24.0.0 I get the following error:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - ccpi::ccpi-viewer[version='>=24.0.0']
  - ccpi::ccpi-dvc[version='>=22.0.0']

I then removed ccpi-dvc from the requirements_dev.yml file and ran again stumbling into

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - ccpi::ccpi-viewer==24.0.0

Current channels:


Manually create an environment with just the viewer

However, if I try to install just the viewer with conda create -n pippo -v ccpi-viewer -c conda-forge -c ccpi it finds version 24 and tries to install vtk 9.3.

It looks like conda is not finding the ccpi-viewer package because it is noarch?

Working install line without environment yaml file

More surprisingly, conda create -n pippo -v openpyxl python numpy scipy ccpi-viewer ccpi-dvc natsort docopt matplotlib qdarkstyle -c conda-forge -c ccpi creates the environment with

vtk                conda-forge/win-64::vtk-9.3.0-qt_py311h1234567_200
ccpi-dvc           ccpi/win-64::ccpi-dvc-22.0.0-0
ccpi-viewer        ccpi/noarch::ccpi-viewer-24.0.0-py_0