TomographicImaging / iDVC

Digital Volume Correlation user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Error when plotting graphs in sampling points in subvolume #296

Closed DanicaSTFC closed 2 weeks ago

DanicaSTFC commented 2 weeks ago

In DVC results, when selecting "Sampling points in subvolume", the following error appears

    ax = self.figure.add_subplot(numRows, numColumns, plotNum)
  File "...\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 772, in add_subplot
    ax = subplot_class_factory(projection_class)(self, *args, **pkw)
  File "...\idvc\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 36, in __init__
    self.set_subplotspec(SubplotSpec._from_subplot_args(fig, args))
  File "C:\Users\zvm34551\.conda\envs\idvc\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 597, in _from_subplot_args
    gs = GridSpec._check_gridspec_exists(figure, rows, cols)
  File "...\idvc\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 225, in _check_gridspec_exists
    return GridSpec(nrows, ncols, figure=figure)
  File "...\idvc\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 387, in __init__
  File "...\idvc\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 53, in __init__
    f"Number of columns must be a positive integer, not {ncols!r}")
ValueError: Number of columns must be a positive integer, not 1.0

Add int to this and hopefully it is a quick fix.