TomographicImaging / iDVC

Digital Volume Correlation user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Results output file "disp" documentation and help text are wrong #303

Closed DanicaSTFC closed 1 week ago

DanicaSTFC commented 2 weeks ago

results file disp does not output rotation or strain.

Edit help text and documentation.

It actually contains the quality and the displacement.

From Brian: The results file description is fine except, currently, the output is truncated after u,v,w – the displacements.

We should probably go back to generating output that matches the correlation degrees of freedom, but there may not be time to do that.

I can explain during review of the results in the final hands-on session.The results file description is fine except, currently, the output is truncated after u,v,w – the displacements.