TomokiMiyauci / utterances-component

Component library for utterances
MIT License
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react #4

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

React | utterances-component

Type safety react component for utterances


TomokiMiyauci commented 3 years ago

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Type safety react component for utterances

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React component for utterances 🔮

Utterances is a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues, for blog comments, wiki pages and more.

:sparkles: Features

:zap: Quick view

import { Utterances } from 'utterances-react-component'

:dizzy: Install

:package: Node.js

npm i utterances-react-component
yarn add utterances-react-component

:globe_with_meridians: Browser

The module that bundles the dependencies is obtained from skypack.

import like this:

import { Utterances } from ''


package version
react ^16 | ^17 | ^18
react-dom ^16 | ^17 | ^18

:memo: API


It has a strict type definition. No default value is set to respect the original behavior.

Official document

Name Type Description
repo ${String}/${String} Repository for Utterances to connect to. Expected value: username/repo
theme Theme The Utterance theme.
label string? Choose the label that will be assigned to issues created by Utterances.
issueTerm Term | string[]1 The mapping between blog posts and GitHub issues. One of them2
issueNumber number You configure Utterances to load a specific issue by number. Issues are not automatically created.

declare type Theme =
  | 'github-light'
  | 'github-dark'
  | 'preferred-color-scheme'
  | 'github-dark-orange'
  | 'icy-dark'
  | 'dark-blue'
  | 'photon-dark'
  | 'boxy-light'
declare type Term = 'pathname' | 'url' | 'title' | 'og:title'

If you chose "Issue title contains specific term", specify the specific term as string array.


issueTerm and issueNumber are exclusive. TypeScript will prompt you to specify one or the other.

:handshake: Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues.

:seedling: Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

:bulb: License

Copyright © 2021-present TomokiMiyauci.

Released under the MIT license

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