I'm encountering an issue with your mod when using a crafttweaker script that removes all oredictionary entries their items.
import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDict;
import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry;
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
print("Emptying all OreDictionary Entries");
for entry in oreDict.entries{
for item in entry.items{
If I let the oredictionary intact: no issues.
Integration settings are as follows:
"integration settings" {
# When enabled, Simply Jetpacks will register its Ender IO-based jetpacks and flux packs.
B:"Ender IO integration"=false
# When enabled, Simply Jetpacks will register its RedstoneArsenal tier5 jetpack recipes.
B:"RedstoneArsenal integration"=true
# When enabled, Simply Jetpacks will register its Thermal Expansion-based jetpacks and flux packs.
B:"ThermalExpansion integration"=true
# When enabled, Simply Jetpacks will register its Vanilla-based jetpacks.
B:"Vanilla integration"=false
I assume it has something to do with looking up items in the oredictionary and not finding any.
Could this be solved by simply registering the items (so I can use them in game), but not enabling recipes. I want to make my own anyway?
Hey, I'm encountering an issue with your mod when using a crafttweaker script that removes all oredictionary entries their items.
See https://gist.github.com/Guinaro/67df43dbf139d730b4f1f33f9f8e0b9e
If I let the oredictionary intact: no issues. Integration settings are as follows:
I assume it has something to do with looking up items in the oredictionary and not finding any. Could this be solved by simply registering the items (so I can use them in game), but not enabling recipes. I want to make my own anyway?